One Tie All Tie

Bars & Bullets

Album: Bars & Bullets
Artist: UDF
Rating: 4.3/5.0

Bars & Bullets lumbers into your ears like the deliberately sluggish, measured, near vomit inducing pace of a Xanax drip. The saliva taunting and mocking your uvula, as you desperately gasp for some type of relief…there exists none. You lie in bed listening to the violent, irregular, heart rattle…the pressure in your chest is beginning to get concerning. The moisture pooling beneath is indistinguishable.

The emotionless and distant delivery of lyrics dripping with violence and drugs over immensely deprived empty sounding beats is eerie as fuck, and perfect. It’s an uncanny sound riddled with drug induced paranoia. It transforms the most trustworthy situation into something suspicious and mistrusting. The best of friends into weary strangers. Those are difficult feelings to evoke and the UDF crew does it wonderfully. Gothic Goon is beyond mean.