One Tie All Tie


Artist: Horse Head
Album: Really Really Real
Rating: 4.6/5.0

Really Really Real is a soundtrack for existence. The first song Gifts swaddles you in its undying cordiality, much like the rest of the album. I found myself melting into my Chicago transit seat this morning, though it is greatly undetermined if this was the unwanted heat left from the obese former occupant of the seat or the beauty of this mixtape.

The album has a great arc to it, ranging from aforementioned buzzing, sprightly and hypnotizing sounds to the funkier Night Thuggin. Maintain the continuity and flow by listening/downloading from start to finish using the bandcamp link. There are plenty of good pairings for an album like this, I found myself in a pleasant stupor glaring deep into the faint glow of my computer screen, performing the inconsequential tasks associated with most of our existences. However I could also see myself enjoying it quietly reading on a Saturday afternoon, or fishing out an ice cold beer from the fridge and playing Mario during the same day.
