One Tie All Tie


Artist: Washed Out
Album: Paracosm
Rating: 4.7/5.0

Paracosm is disarming. A precise illustration of everything relaxing. Every tone falls more gently than the former, breaking like waves on the sun bathed flickering sand particles.  If Paracosm was a scented candle it would be Coppertone sun-screen, puppy ears and baby hair. It’s incredible hearing every sound dissolve pleasantly in your ear like the carbonation of a near frozen Sierra Nevada on your tongue after an entire day soaking sun, saltwater and familiar conversation. Unthinkable that a state of relaxation beyond this was obtainable, but it is.

There’s a grouping of tide pools in the distance. Upon closer examination of the tide pools, it’s realized the tiny creatures residing there are also listening to Paracosm.  The tiny crabs happily washed around by the persistent pound of water, sea anemone’s quietly glowing, hermit crabs slumbering and the thousands of other organisms including you existing in this same soundtrack.

A truly outstanding album for summer and perhaps refuge for winter.

Album Stream: