One Tie All Tie

Aerial picture of mug of coffee the absolute only way to prove you like coffee

Proving to people that you enjoy a universally adored beverage is almost impossible. A cumbersome task ripe with complexities and confusion. Telling someone that you enjoy coffee only elevates the suspicion. The consuming distrust and paranoia can be seen in the prying eyes of the skeptic. Actually drinking a cup only furthers the wariness. No…to defuse the deeply rooted belief held by the rest of humanity that you hate coffee, drastic measures must be taken.

The only way to pacify the situation and convince the world of the impossible is to post a flurry of dull Instagram pictures. With a mere weekly aerial style post you too can begin the crusade to convince the world that you love coffee. Posting a shot from above of a completely ordinary cup of coffee with the Reyes filter applied is the perfect way to courageously reinforce that you partake in a popular beverage. It also provides a unique and insightful view that is rarely experienced in our short time here on earth. A rare glimpse into the black soul of a beverage that we know very little about.

Most people never even get to experience seeing coffee from above as it is customarily syphoned from the bottom of the mug as a suppository. The valiant effort of providing inimitable photographs while simultaneously proving undying coziness and alignment with the general population should be applauded. #cozy #donttalktomebeforemycoffeelol #wineandcoffee #coffeesnuggles #lifeisgood
